WordPress.com’s Jetpack published a report of Pakzilla.com blogging for year 2011. Interested facts they are
Visitor’s statistics
- Blog was viewed about 140,000 times in 2011.
- In 2011, there were 25 new posts, that made total posts to 154.
- The busiest day of the year was March 1st with 1,114 views. The most popular post that day was An ultimate HTML5 cheatsheet you must have.
Top referring
- itoday.wordpress.com
- dzone.com
- ideaxidea.com
- smashingapps.com
- facebook.com
Visitor’s location
- North America
83% Unites States
11% Canada - South America
48% Brazil
14% Argentina - Africa
35% Egypt
18% South Africa - Asia
45% India
12% Malaysia
8% Pakistan - Europe
18% The United Kingdom
8% Germany - Oceania
77.5% Australia
22% New Zealand
This is great.
It is good sign that the traffic is growing month by month. Keep ’em coming. 🙂
Thanks Veera. I am trying. I hope, will write good articles this year.